The savings to you-when you take a few easy steps to be GREEN-are a plenty! We need to learn not to use our resources in such a way that they become depleted for future generations. One truth-up to 30%, on average, of our home's heating and air is wasted. This being said, I know-being a Realtor, there is alot I can do to help my clients save money, and make a difference to their environment-each and every day.
Here is a start-these are some of the best websites I have researched, thus far:
which offers guidelines for energy audits and managment, green constriction, and rebates.
You can enter a zipcode and also search for local rebates, energy audits, etc.
which stands or the California Home Energy Efficiency Rating Services-Rates and certifies home builders on energy-efficient construction.
Provides information to homeowners, Realtors, and the general public on how to "green" their living spaces.
Will provide Hundreds of ways to save money and energy.
Let's all make a change. Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI,
Broker Associate for Connect Realty.com, INC
personal website http://www.wendimae.com/ or call us Toll free 866-333-6333
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